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Adaptive & Reconfigurable Hands project shortlisted in ABB Robotics IdeaHub program

The project has been shortlisted to the top 20 ventures for review by the ABB Robotics management team in ABB Robotics IdeaHub program.

A potential opportunity is to be selected as one of 10 ventures to meet face to face to discuss opportunities on the 31st of October in California.

How can we simplify interaction with and programming of robots?

The number of installed industrial robots worldwide is on the rise and they are performing increasingly complex tasks and working increasingly closer with people
  • There is a huge opportunity for new innovation as robots are coming to new industries, to new environments and this will also involve working with a wide range of new people – trained and untrained

  • One example of this change is ABB Robotics new collaborative robot, YuMi®, which can operate in very close collaboration with humans thanks to its inherently safe design

  • This new design opens up completely new ways for robots to work and interact with their new human colleagues and be truly transformational in every workplace and every home

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